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Norris House

42 residents

12 single rooms and 15 double rooms

Distinguishing Characteristics

  • Full size kitchen for cooking
  • Working fireplace
  • Central air
  • Easy access to Eliott Dining Hall through hallway connecting Norris and Millet


  • Valentine’s Day performances with Millet House
  • Pumpkin carving competition with Millet House judging the winner
  • Secret Santa gift exchange among students and dorm faculty
  • Dorm caroling
  • Dorm dodgeball (2019 champions)
  • Annual house trip to Boston Bowl
  • Annual house dinner at Cathay Pacific in Quincy
  • House t-shirts representing class year
  • Seniors given Norris House ties
  • Team Clean – Residents are divided into teams, and these teams are assigned specific nights to help clean the common areas
  • Big Brother Program – Run by the House Monitor and the New Student Advisor the program matches younger students with older ones to help with the transition into the boarding life.