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Milton Sailors are World Champions

Milton Sailors are World Champions

This summer, five members of Milton’s sailing team competed in the International Sailing Federation’s 2015 team racing world championships in Rutland, England. They won the gold medal in their division and took the final gold honors in youth racing—a huge achievement in an event considered to be the pinnacle of international, dinghy team racing.

The idea of competing in this big event percolated last spring when brothers Eli and Henry Burnes (II) started talking about it with teammates Ginny Alex (II), Peter Barron (II), and Charlie Hibben (III). The race requires Firefly dinghies, so the group practiced for several days at M.I.T.’s sailing center. M.I.T. is the only school in the U.S. that uses these two-sail boats in competition.

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Convocation Marks the Official Start of the Year

Convocation Marks the Official Start of the Year

A formal, traditional expression of School life, Convocation marks the start of the academic year: new opportunities, new faculty, and new classmates. Messages from Head of School Todd Bland, Upper School Principal David Ball, and Milton’s co-head monitors, Avery Park (I) and Mack Makishima (I), were highlights of the ceremony. Mr. Bland welcomed everyone and encouraged each student and adult to take the time for quiet, mindful moments during the busy months ahead. Mr. Ball’s message, which began with a humorous childhood tale of summer camp and baseball hats, encouraged us to make connections with each other because, “Where there’s a name, there’s a story. Each of us is a bundle of narratives.”

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Lessons in Filmmaking: An Evan Scales ’17 Production

Lessons in Filmmaking: An Evan Scales ’17 Production

Evan Scales (II) has a passion for film. Drawing on skills he honed in Milton’s Moving Image class, and as a freelance photographer and filmmaker, he spent the summer shooting and editing his first, full feature production, Liberté. Evan’s goal was to submit a film to the Louisiana Film Prize, which requires films to be shot in northwest Louisiana. He started writing the script last September. Liberté is a story about a chance encounter between a boy and an older man, who unbeknownst to the boy is his grandfather.

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What Happens Those First Few Days of School?

What Happens Those First Few Days of School?

Milton’s programming for new students begins on Tuesday, September 8. Opening of school activities are designed to help students get to know one another, get to know the adults on campus, and help them feel comfortable at School. We know that while new students are surrounded by welcoming faces, they are making their way over unfamiliar terrain.

Our programs in the opening days are geared toward helping everyone get acclimated—to feel good about who and where they are. These programs are designed by in-house experts—our own faculty and students—who know what being new to Milton feels like and what experiences will be helpful in those first few days.

For the opening of school schedule, visit the opening of school calendar. Links to a student’s opening of school schedule will also be posted in the myMilton account.

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New Faculty in 2015

Matt Blanton, a new member of the history and social sciences department, earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Dartmouth College, where he also played on the varsity soccer team. After teaching math and coaching both soccer and skiing at the Taft School, Matt earned his master’s degree in Afro-American studies from the University of Wisconsin and a doctorate in American culture from the University of Michigan. Most recently, Matt served as a visiting lecturer in the history department at Wellesley College and coached the varsity soccer team at Dana Hall School.

Meredith Carpenter, who earned her bachelor’s degree and her master’s degree in earth systems at Stanford University, will direct the outdoor program as a sabbatical replacement. A certified Crossfit instructor, Meredith has served as a wrangler on ranches in North Dakota and Colorado, as a research associate for the SEA Education Association, and as an EMT. Meredith will reside in Robbins House.

Gregg Deehan joins Milton as a member of the history and social sciences department. Gregg earned his bachelor’s degree from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and his master’s degree from the Andover-Newton Theological School. Gregg has previously worked at McLean Hospital and the City on a Hill School in Boston.

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Art All Around: Making Room For The New

Art All Around: Making Room For The New

Last fall’s opening of the renovated Art and Media Center coincided with a colorful and inspired addition to the Centre Street quad. Sculptor Rob Lorenson’s art launched the first installation of the Nesto Gallery outdoor art exhibition series. This summer, members of Milton’s facilities services, Pete Henderson and Manny Tavares, helped Mr. Lorenson and his crew safely de-install the large works of art to make room for the exhibition’s second artist.

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Graduation 2015

Graduation 2015

“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”
– T.S. Eliot, Class of 1906

Milton awarded diplomas to 181 seniors during the School’s commencement exercises on June 5, 2015. One longstanding tradition of the ceremony is students electing their student speakers, which assures seniors that they will, at their last Milton gathering, hear from classmates they have chosen. This year, students selected Bobby Gilmore and Kate Stockbridge. Delivering the commencement address was alumnus Ned Sahin Ph.D., Milton Academy Class of 1994.

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Sharing Their Experiences: Seniors Present Their Final Projects

Sharing Their Experiences: Seniors Present Their Final Projects

Each year, Class I students may commit their final weeks at Milton to completing a “Senior Project.” Students who are interested must submit research plans in early winter. A committee of faculty decides which projects to approve, and each student aligns his endeavor with a member of the faculty or staff for support. Students in the Class of 2015 chose topics that ranged from aviation to religion, from engineering medical devices to studying social justice. Students painted, gardened, sewed, prepared concerts and recitals, shadowed doctors, coached hockey, learned instruments and languages, and volunteered at a range of sites. Some students completed one full project and others split their time between two half projects. During the week before graduation, students present their projects to faculty and all students. Sharing in this celebration of completed, highly personal work is a favorite Milton Academy tradition.

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The Perskys Honor Milton’s Student Writers

The Perskys Honor Milton’s Student Writers

The Persky Awards recognize the best work-in creative writing, journalism, art, photography and production-appearing in Milton Academy student publications. Award-winning student writers and artists celebrated with faculty and guests in Cox Library recently at the Laurence S. Persky Memorial Award ceremony. Laura Gottesdiener ’06 was this year’s featured speaker. Laura is a journalist, social justice activist, and author of A Dream Foreclosed: Black America and the Fight for a Place to Call Home. She has written for Rolling Stone, Ms.magazine, The Arizona Republic, The New Haven Advocate, The Huffington Post, AlterNet, and other publications.

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Athletes Honored at M-Club Dinner

Athletes Honored at M-Club Dinner

During the annual M-Club Dinner on Wednesday, Class I students were presented awards for their outstanding performance in athletics.

Football standout Robert Gilmore received the Robert Saltonstall Medal. Over Milton’s history, the Saltonstall has indicated “a distinguished record in all-around physical activity, with emphasis on leadership by example, conscientious training, good body mechanics, and observance of the code of the true sportsman.” In addition to his feats on the football field, Robert broke the School’s long-standing discus and shot put records in track and field.

Nicola Young, an outstanding athlete in soccer, basketball and track, received the Priscilla Bailey Award. The award recognizes a girl who “has been a most valuable asset to Milton Academy athletics and community, and who demonstrates exceptional individual skills and teamwork as well as sportsmanship.”

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