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Our Students

Our Mission


We champion curiosity and honor scholarship. Inspired by teachers and classmates, Milton students maximize their strengths, try new things, discover fresh areas of interest—all with the support to succeed.


Physics has definitely been a lot of experiment based learning, and it’s allowed for me to grow, not only with tactile learning, but it offers a Harkness method where we discuss our findings at a table along with other classmates. It’s not so much a lecture-based learning experience but more so an environment where you can discuss your findings and experiments with your classmates, which really allows me to learn and grow.

Simon Farruqui, Class III

Goodwin House

Our Mission


Milton is a safe and generous place for young people to exchange ideas. The abilities to listen, communicate, share and collaborate with others are essential life skills, honored and practiced at Milton every day.


One of the best parts about going to Milton is the diverse student body. It’s something I looked for when applying to schools and it’s really prevalent here. It just brings so many more perspectives to the table. I’ve made so many friends from all over the world.

Alexa Pil, Class of 2021

Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts

Our Mission


To us, growing and learning among individuals who share widely divergent life stories, and appreciating their backgrounds and cultures, is an invaluable aspect of a true education. We believe that each of us brings a unique and important dimension to our shared experience, and that drives the relationships at Milton.

Our Mission


Seeking to meet the highest standards—in performance, athletic competition, artistic expression, leadership, intellectual exploration, and understanding our world—is part of Milton’s culture, and a lifelong legacy for our students.

Our Mission


Milton students take on experiences and develop relationships that ultimately affirm their aptitudes and underscore their values, preparing them for the most competitive colleges in the country, and for the broadest array of academic and professional pursuits. 


In my time at school, I have become a more confident individual, and I have become a bigger advocate for myself. I remember coming into high school, and I never really used to advocate for myself academically. I kind of just took it and moved on. Coming to Milton and with the support of my advisor and teachers, you learn to become your biggest advocate and become confident in your ability in and out of the classroom.

Nika Farokhzad, Class I

Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts

Our Mission


Understanding that every encounter affects a young person’s development, faculty surround students with opportunities for intellectual and personal growth, not only during class and during their extensive extracurricular lives, but also within their social lives.

Our Mission


Milton students are problem solvers; they think outside the box, and they apply what they learn in other disciplines to develop distinctive and sometimes surprising approaches to figuring out the task at hand. They ask good questions, and they puzzle together to discover answers.

Our Mission


Since 1798, Milton has developed strong, indepen-dent, confident thinkers. Students graduate with a clear sense of who they are, what their world is about, and how to contribute. “Dare to be true” is not only a value that resonates through our halls: it’s the cornerstone of our School’s culture and a lifelong commitment for Milton grads.


There are so many things I do now that I never expected to like so much, but being in this environment has really pushed me. I used to only identify as a soccer player, but Milton’s taught me that I’m more than that. I’m a leader, I’m a student, I’m a friend, I’m a teammate, and that’s all from Milton.

Hayes Benzan '25

Boston, Massachusetts


Students of Color

The best part of Milton is the relationships I’ve formed with my teachers and with my friends. Whether it’s sports or academics or clubs, everyone here is invested in what they do and it’s contagious.

Josie Vogel, Class of 2021

Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts

States Represented at Milton


The opportunity and responsibility that comes with working with young people is so inspiring to me. I’m challenged to constantly grow and to see the world through the eyes of my students. They have remarkable ideas about what’s working, what’s not, and what needs to change.

Joshua Quiñones

English Department


Students Receiving Financial Aid