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Communication Office


The communication office develops, implements, and evaluates communication plans and programs that support the mission of the School. The office facilitates Milton Academy’s efforts to promote awareness and good will among its various constituencies and external public; to recruit students and faculty; and to raise financial and volunteer support.

Communication Staff

Sarah Abrams
Editor, Milton Magazine

Marisa Donelan
Associate Director of Communication

Eileen Newman
Chief Communication Officer

Esten Perez
Director of Communication and Media Relations

Emily Sedgwick
Social Media Manager / Video Content Producer

Greg White
Director, Web Development and Academy Graphic Design

Media Contact

If you are a member of the media in need of information or press materials, please contact Esten Perez at 617-898-2395 or

Campus News

Winter Concerts Will Usher in the Festive Spirit of the Season

Winter Concerts Will Usher in the Festive Spirit of the Season

A long-standing tradition this time each year, Milton Academy’s winter music concerts prove to be welcomed gifts on these chilly, short December days. Orchestras and vocal groups have been busy in Kellner these past weeks preparing for the Winter Vocal Concert on Friday, December 7, and the Winter Orchestra Concert on Sunday, December 9, in King Theatre.

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Heyburn Speaker Connects Colonial Laws With Modern Inequality

Heyburn Speaker Connects Colonial Laws With Modern Inequality

The legal distinction of whiteness as a race did not exist anywhere in the world until 1681, when colonial American lawmakers sought to outlaw marriages between European people and others, sociologist Jacqueline Battalora told Upper School students.

This was, essentially, “the invention of white people,” said Dr. Battalora, who visited Milton as the Henry R. Heyburn guest lecturer.

Previously, people were grouped by their nation of origin, Dr. Battalora explained. But once anti-miscegenation laws preventing marriage between white people and nonwhite people were established further, legal segregation drove division among racial groups, creating an atmosphere and legacy of racism and discrimination the effects of which still resonate today.

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1212 Play, Antigone, is a Timeless Drama

1212 Play, Antigone, is a Timeless Drama

This fall’s 1212 Play has student actors drawing upon millennia of theater history. Yet Sophocles’ Antigone, while centuries old, explores universal themes that remain relevant today, says director and performing arts faculty member Peter Parisi. Its depiction of the danger of authoritarian politics, blind loyalty, and division among families are as familiar in modern society as they were in ancient Thebes.

“Antigone challenges us to question where our responsibilities lie when the law requires something we know is wrong,” Peter says.

The 1212 play is a Milton tradition, offering an intimate theater experience, typically involving small casts, minimal technical demands, and often challenging material for the performers and the audience. Science department faculty member Gabrielle Hunt and Jocelyn Sabin (I) are assisting with the production. Andrew Willwerth (II), plays Creon, the king of Thebes, and said the play has challenged the cast with its dark themes and the characters’ complex motivations.

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There Are “No Simple Answers” in Interpreting Art, Critic and Author Jed Perl Tells Milton Students

There Are “No Simple Answers” in Interpreting Art, Critic and Author Jed Perl Tells Milton Students

Viewing art “involves very close looking, but also being open to a variety of ideas,” author and art critic Jed Perl told students. Mr. Perl was on campus as the Melissa Dilworth Gold Visiting Artist. On Tuesday night, Mr. Perl spoke to faculty, parents and alumni at Milton’s “Evening with the Arts,” an event dedicated to Kay Herzog, former English department chair and a champion of the arts at Milton.

During the Visual Arts Assembly, Mr. Perl showed students various works by artists such as Picasso, Corot and Mondrian. He discussed the process of “looking at something with your eyes and then figuring out what you are looking at. There is a back and forth between looking at it and making sense of it.”

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