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oneactrehearsalThe student-directed one-act plays are a campus tradition that challenge drama students to follow a production from licensing to casting to performance. This year, three students will present one-acts, opening Thursday, February 22.

“I like that the one-acts give students an opportunity to try on the role of director and see the process through fully,” says Peter Parisi, director of performing arts. “They have to understand the audience and select pieces that will appeal to them. There’s a lot that goes into creating a cast.”

In addition to being student-directed, the plays are performed and tech-supported entirely by students. This year, Celena Eccleston (I), Charlotte Moremen (II) and Natasha Roy (II) are directing one-act plays.

Celena chose “The Trip” by Eddie Kennedy. “Not only can I identify with the uncomfortable topics being discussed, but I also think it’s important to confront the very real strain that mental illness can put onto families and cause them to divide. The most challenging part of this experience was realizing that everything that happens in this play is all up to me. I’m so used to acting in plays, so it’s quite different to be in charge of one. I enjoyed working with my actors the most. We’ve bonded quite well as a cast and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.”

Charlotte is directing “Driver’s Test” by Don Zolidis. “I chose this play because it’s a lighthearted act that hopefully will get the audience laughing. It’s a fish-out-of-water sketch with absurd humor and is enjoyable by all ages. The winter season is a stressful one, both academically and with extracurriculars. Hopefully, taking 20 minutes out of the day to come and laugh and de-stress during this performance will help the community stay grounded. Seeing my actors bring the script to life has been a rewarding experience. They’ve made it funnier than I originally read it, and I’m excited for others to watch it. Directing has been an interesting challenge, especially because I’m directing my peers, but experiencing the theater from both the stage and the director’s chair has been worthwhile.”

The one-acts run Thursday through Saturday, February 22–24, at 7 p.m. in the Studio Theatre.