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On March 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced its updated recommendations for respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. 

Specifically, the CDC is no longer recommending COVID-specific isolation guidelines. Moving forward, the CDC is including COVID-19 in its recommendations related to risks from several common respiratory viral illnesses, resulting in a single approach to these ailments. Similarly, on March 25, 2024, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health updated its recommendations to align with the CDC.  

Milton Academy closely follows CDC recommendations in setting our own policies. Accordingly, effective immediately, Milton is revising its COVID-19 policy as follows:

  • All community members are encouraged to remain up-to-date on all recommended seasonal vaccines, including COVID-19 and flu.
  • As always, please stay home if you are ill.
  • If you have symptoms consistent with respiratory viral illness, such as flu, RSV or COVID-19, or have tested positive for any of these viruses, stay home until you have had 24 hours of improving symptoms AND have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without any fever-reducing medication. 
  • There is no longer a mandatory five-day isolation period.
  • Upon returning to campus, community members are encouraged to take additional prevention strategies for the next 5 days to curb disease spread. 
    • These activities may include: taking more steps to provide fresh air (e.g., opening windows), enhancing hygiene practices (covering coughs/sneezes, washing hands often, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces), wearing a well-fitting mask, and avoiding crowded indoor spaces.

Please remember that Milton is mask-friendly; community members are welcome to wear masks inside and outside the classroom and, as noted above, are recommended to do so if recovering from a respiratory illness.

As we track the CDC’s guidance from a public health standpoint, it is also important for each of us to remain thoughtful about taking appropriate steps to care for the people around us and prevent the spread of illness. We urge all community members to continue to stay vigilant and take responsible steps.

Again, thank you for your cooperation and assistance in helping to keep our campus and community healthy. Should you have any questions or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Health Center at (617) 898-2450 or